autumn Term week 2
Date: 10th & 11th October 2023
Tutor: Rob
Free painting
what to bring
Please bring along your usual painting materials, reference materials and ideas for how to make a painting.
TOPIC of the Week:
Given the theme for the term, Rob will be asking questions about how you are approaching making a painting using your chosen subject matter.
Quote of the week
“What’s the painting about?”
Rob Dudley
You might have come across this one before!
book of the week
Ravilious in Pictures
The landscape that most inspired Eric Ravilious was the chalk downland of southern England.
This book is the first in a series that explores the artist’s work and the landscape that inspired him. Interestingly each of the many watercolours featured in the book is accompanied by a short essay that investigates place, character and time.
The author ( James Russell) and publisher ( Mainstone Press) suggest their approach in compiling this book could be summarised as ‘human reactions to place, rather than academic reactions’.
Last updated: 18.9.23