Moor to Sea Arts

Class Members Week 3 Spring 2024

SpRING Term week 3

Date: 23rd & 24th January 2024

Tutor: Siân

Free painting

what to bring


New Items! Do take a look!

Including an excellent article on the website abut drawing in galleries…very timely, since we’ve replaced book of the week with Gallery of the Week!

Picture of the week


1 Look at the coloured image.

Break down the image into areas of light, mid and dark colours. Where are the lightest colours? Where are the darkest colours? Where are the colours in between?

2 NOW look at the B & W versions ( Scroll through the gallery by licking on the pictures or using the arrows at the side of the picture)

Break down the image into areas of light, mid and dark tones. Where are the lightest lights? Where are the darkest darks? Where are the mid-tones?

3 Now ask yourself these questions:

  • Where are the darkest dark tones? Are they in the same place as the darkest colours?

  • Where are the lightest light tones? Are the highlights in the same place as the lightest colours?

  • Where are the mid-tones? Does their placement in the picture match where you bought the mid-colours were?

  • When you first look at the picture, are you aware of whether your eye is drawn first to the lights, the darks or somewhere in between?

  • Did you eye follow the same path across the image in the three different versions?

  • Were there areas where what you perceived to be two distinct colours merged into one patch where viewed in B & W?

  • Were there hard edges in colour that became soft edges when looked at tonally?

TOPIC of the Week: INTRODUCTION to the theme for the term

This term we will be looking again at tone. We will be looking (hard!) at how drawing can increase our awareness of tone. We will be also be considering tonal values across an image within a composition, and ways of increasing our understanding of the relationship between tone and colour.

Quote of the week

Gallery of the week

Oops, sorry folks, I entered the information on the wrong week and missed this one!

Last updated: 11.12.23