WEEK 2 : Free painting
31st January & 1st February
Tutor : Rob
WHAT TO BRING : Your usual painting materials, for working on your own piece.
book of the week
Another great compendium of excellent watercolour techniques. It seems to be out of print at the moment, but there are second hand copies available on Amazon (click on the image).
Ian Sidaway is an artist well worth investigating. His paintings are very deceptive: easy to enjoy simple scenes that capture the play of light on the landscape beautifully. But look a little closer and you will being to see the complexity within the image.
Quote of the Week
‘Because watercolour actually moves on the paper it is the most active of all mediums, almost a performance art.’
Nita Engle
Materials advice
Watercolour is a sensitive medium, and the quality of the materials you use can make a real difference. It is well worth investing in decent materials right from the start. CLICK HERE for further advice, a suggested shopping list for beginners, and a list of shops we find useful.
This note also now appears on the opening page for Class Members, so the it is readily available and you don’t have to remember which week I posted it on :)
Here’s a larger version of this weeks image for you to study in detail. Try to work out how the paint was applied and, if you can, the order it was applied in.