SPRING Term week 6
Date: 18th & 19th February
Tutor: Rob
Harbour House : Art Studio
Free Painting
what to bring
THIS Week:
Free painting.
colour of the Week
Before the Renaissance there was a taboo on mixing greens using blue and yellow dyes.
These days there is an adage that one should always mix green by mixing blue and yellow.
How times change!
We’d both say that if you are happy to buy a tube of green paint you should do so. We’re here to enjoy painting, not subscribe to a list of archaic rules.
In fact, Siân contributed to an article in the Artists and Illustrators entitled ‘5 Golden Rules and How to Break Them’. (April 2013), where she waxed lyrical about the joys of using ready made greens. Rob will bring it into class if you feel like having a quick look.
‘homework’ challenge
Choose a plant or a leaf. Try to mix the greens you can see in it.
Quote of the week
‘Absolute green is the most anaesthetising colour possible… similar to a fat cow, full of good health, lying down, rooted capable only of ruminating and contemplating the world through its stupid inexpressive eyes.’
Does that make things clearer? Anyone seen a green cow?
ArTIST of the week
Constable was criticised by his contemporaries for using too much green.
Constable ws elected as a full Royal Academician in 1829, giving him the freedom to exhibit his work freely. That did not stop his contemporary academicians rejecting ‘Water Meadows near Salisbury’ as ‘a nasty green thing’ ! this was a clear indication that Constable’s direct, uncompromising reality was still not generally accepted.
Further reading: ARTUK Water-meadows near Salisbury,
*Art UK is a charity, the online home for evey public art collection in the UK.
CLASS NOTICEBOARD : Any new items to be added? please email details and they will be added by the following class.