Moor to Sea Arts

Spain 2025 Infoforparticpants

Spain 2025 Information for Participants

I will be using this page to add information about the holiday to Las Chimeneas, which hopefully will save you receiving lengthy emails and keep everything easily accessible in one place. I hope you find it useful!

It is a passworded page as. Please save the password!


(chimneys here we come)


If you have any questions about the art on this trip please do get in touch! I will be more than happy to have a chat by phone or email about what you can expect to be doing while we are there. CONTACT SIAN

A recently asked question is about suitable art equipment for the trip. I have prepared the following guide : please download and read it before coming. If you have further questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.



Those of us travelling from Devon ( Ivybridge and Kingsbridge) are booking the following flights:

BRISTOL TO MALAGA Flight number EZY2717

BRISTOL Sat 10th May 12.20. arrives in Malaga Sat 10th May 16.00

MALAGA TO BRISTOL Flight number EJU7003

MALAGA Sat 17th May 13.35 arrives in Bristol Sat 17th May 15.20

Those of you travelling from elsewhere, please let us know if you will be joining us on these flights, so we can meet you at Bristol airport. if you are travelling from a different airport we look forward to meeting you at Malaga airport. There is a very nice cafe just outside ‘Arrivals’ which make s a good meeting place…more information much nearer the time :)

Emma will be organising the transfers from Malaga to Las Chimeneas, so do please keep in touch with her if your flight times differ to ours.

 Flights and Transfers for Devon participants.

As quite a few of us will be travelling back to Devon we are looking in to sharing transport to and from Bristol. We have plenty of time to arrange this, but please check back occasionally for information.


It is looking like we might need Visas to enter Spain next year. Please investigate!