Moor to Sea Arts

Class Members Week 10

Week 10 : Tutor led

28th & 29th March

Tutors : Rob & Siân

Rob will be doing a demonstration using water mixable oils this week.


Since the demonstration is not likely to last for the whole session you may like to bring along your current work and your usual painting materials. There may be time for Free Painting which you might like to use to finish something before the end of term, or to prepare work for the break.

We are hoping to bring along a very limited amount of materials for you to try the water mixable oils. Please bring an old brush, as you should not use a good watercolour brush for this! Do not wear good clothes!

quote of the week

‘A painting is ever finished, it simply stops in interesting places’.

Attributed to Paul Gardner

And a second one this week, a lovely one sent in by Vicky:

“He who works with his hands is a labourer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.”

― Saint Francis of Assisi

2 new items : updated 25.3.23


Here’s a larger version of this weeks image for you to study in detail. Try to work out how the paint was applied and, if you can, the order it was applied in.